Welcome onboard Chosenxxone.
Commonsence is not the borgs strongest point, it is better known for appointing low IQ yes men to positions of oversite.
jehovah's witnesses ask court to reverse $35m abuse verdict.
by the associated press.
posted sep 13, 2019 12:34 pm pdt.
Welcome onboard Chosenxxone.
Commonsence is not the borgs strongest point, it is better known for appointing low IQ yes men to positions of oversite.
hi all, a little while back we had a thread on the topic a new baptism contract, specifically question two, in that the "in association with gods spirit directed organisation" has been dropped.
we had two circuit level baptisms in australia since the story started getting around where the old wording was still being used and i was starting to think that it was just a rumor.. the melbourne international convention this passed weekend used the new contract, in which the claim of spirit direction is rolled back.
i would share here if i could post a mp3 file.. what will be next 1914 swept under the carpet?.
Hi all, a little while back we had a thread on the topic a new baptism contract, specifically question Two, in that the "in association with gods spirit directed organisation" has been dropped. We had two circuit level baptisms in Australia since the story started getting around where the old wording was still being used and I was starting to think that it was just a rumor.
The Melbourne international convention this passed weekend used the new contract, in which the claim of spirit direction is rolled back. I would share here if I could post a MP3 file.
What will be next 1914 swept under the carpet?
hi all.. i didn't want to post this in private because i want all to see what i saw.. the protest at the melbourne convention went superbly in my opinion.
the protesters and their banners were more than eloquent and succinct.
you could feel the emotion they all conveyed.
Smiddy - 409 baptised, mostly 13 - 17 y.o. girls. 44,000 present.
hi all.. i didn't want to post this in private because i want all to see what i saw.. the protest at the melbourne convention went superbly in my opinion.
the protesters and their banners were more than eloquent and succinct.
you could feel the emotion they all conveyed.
Wish i could duck out and meet you Rayo RB
hi all.. i didn't want to post this in private because i want all to see what i saw.. the protest at the melbourne convention went superbly in my opinion.
the protesters and their banners were more than eloquent and succinct.
you could feel the emotion they all conveyed.
They need a JWFacts.com banner.
since it was the church that put together the bible canon and it was was them that spread the teaching throughout the known world.
If it were not for the Catholic Church and their wicked wicked crusades and John Sobieski Catholic King of Poland that turned back the muslin hoards from the gaits of Vienna in 1683, we would all be living in the dark ages, speaking arabic and raising our butts to allah.
i had it confirmed today that 5 kingdom halls on one site in new addington are for sale.
price being asked £3.5 million.. every witness in london worked on that site.
am in shock.
"So far an Islamic group and a Hindu group are interested in it."
- Kingdom hall becomes a mosque, That's a sad day.
So much for being raised up above all the nations or whatever.
at a recent midweek meeting, a short documentary about translator william tyndale was shown.
it begins with this statement about his death:.
"his crime?
Neat blue dog said - Fun fact: The exact same "crime" results in the same thing among
Jehovah's Witnesses, resulting in figurative death, or
John Wycliffe, Jan Hus, John Knox, William Tyndale, Luther and doubtless many more were labelled apostates, and as such paid a high price for challenging the status quo. Their crime was in effect calling the ruling class to account. The greatest apostate of all time would have to be Jesus Christ himself, an apostate from Judaism. The take away from this is the term apostate is no more than a weaponised slur designed by the bullies to marginalise those telling inconvenient truths.
in my experience, there were three types of witnesses.
some were barely witnesses while others were extremely conservative types who followed the letter of the law.
and then you had those in the middle who just went with the flow.. i knew many witnesses who “felt safe” being in a stricter environment.they were actually proud that they belonged to such and such congregation because it was filled with strict bethelites..
Zeb - one thing to be noticed its the obsession about opening windows; they never do.
Don't you remember that convention talk about not breathing the air of the world Zeb?
a thought came to me as i was posting on another topic.
my reactionary mind, responding to watchtower's cruel and hostile treatment of genuine truthseekers who can no longer reconcile with watchtower's narrative was, " may the collapse begin".. but then my thoughts turned to how that would affect my parents and siblings who are blissfully oblivious with their collective heads in the sand.
all their hopes and future joy has been postponed for decades awaiting paradise while fighting off the black dog that is depression.
Dear Rayo, you have well articulated feelings that I have been wrestling with for some time now.